Consistency Pays Your Hard work

I will try to monitor my metrics and have a progress before this year ends. Am I a failed content creator?

I always talk about consistency, but does it really pays for your hard work?

I have been blogging for over two years but I never saw my progress on my metrics and stats whether it is on my website or social media. But here is what I am sure of: I am growing myself. Personal development is a must.

I have learned so many things from creating content and consuming informative blogs written by other bloggers that I admire. Their success stories make me motivated.

Now that I have the resources that I need, I will start monitoring each of my metrics including all of my social media accounts. Here are the lists that I will be focusing on:


As you know, I write on this amazing Web 3.0 blogging platform and monetize my content by receiving some upvotes and tips from other bloggers. However, due to inactivity, I barely grow my account. But I am always making sure to increase my Hive power to gather more influence in the platform.


I have now over 200 followers on my Twitter account. But I want to have at least 1,000 followers before this year ends. I want to focus more on my Twitter account because I saw a lot of successful creators who are sharing their stories. I also saw Twitter as a social media account that is friendly for every content creator.


This is an amazing platform if you want to start your writing journey. There are a lot of content creators in here. I also saw my progress and received a huge amount of followers no matter how inactive am I.

I also believe that this platform will mostly help me in building my own community and target my potential audiences. This will drive traffic to my website.


If you are going to ask me, I want to monitor my website the most. My website will be 1 year old this coming June so I want to have an income and get more eyes on it. I don't want it to be a liability that only takes out my money from the monthly payments for my domain. If this will not going to work, I will be forced to stop using it (hopefully not).

I am still going to evaluate what platform should I focus on here. I need to make sure that at least one of them will have good metrics before this year ends or else I can call myself as a failed content creator.


or to participate.